domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

Christmas card contest

ESO1 & 2 

Submissions wanted for our Christmas Card Contest.
Deadline December 18th 
  1.-The size of the drawing will be 204 x 160 mm. (half school drawing sheet DIN A4).
2. - The subject of the drawing will be Christmas. It may be done using any technique, and must be absolutely original.
3. - On the back of the drawing there must be the following information: - Name and surname. - School year.
4. - The cards may be handed in to the English teachers by December 18th.
5. - The panel will be composed of the English Department teachers.
6. – There will be a prize for 1º ESO and another one for 2º ESO. We will value originality, expressiveness and colorful design. A written text is compulsory.
7. - The awards ceremony will take place on the last school day before Christmas. A selection of the cards will be exhibited in the school lobby.

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